Thank you for your interest in Klee Kai Hawaii. Before you start the process of getting on our waiting list, there are a few things you should know. I cannot give you an accurate wait time. I am currently telling people the wait is 2-12 months. This can vary depending on Mother Nature and your preferences. Some people are pickier then others and they may have a longer wait. Our pricing is currently $3500-$6000 plus shipping if necessary, but prices are subject to change at any time. Shipping charges vary depending on your location. It can be $350-$500. If you happen to qualify for one of my babies, I will then send you a deposit contract for your review. In order to get onto our waiting list you will need to return the deposit contract along with a deposit of $500.00. Everybody undergoes the same consideration when placing a new puppy. * Required Question
If you don't see " Mahalo !!! Talk to you soon. " You can download the questionnaire from Available Puppy Page.